Askardamykti has been operating since 2014 providing educational programs for adults in technical professions and traditional arts with the aim of promoting them and strengthening their sustainability in the modern economic environment. Since 2020, it has been housed in the historic Lekka textile factory in Perissos, a 1500 m2 factory space , which it renovated and configured to host applied and traditional arts workshops in specially equipped spaces. We envisioned a common meeting place for professionals, amateurs and the general public , a modern network of people who practice but are also interested in getting to know traditional arts and professions. A modern Bauhaus that seeks to break down again the boundary between artists, industrial designers and craftsmen creating a new form of "modern craftsman" .
Askaramykti's curriculum includes art and technique seminars from various industry sectors in fully equipped spaces specially designed for each art. The programs are aimed at adults and aim at the experiential practice of the participants in technical design, the correct use of tools and mechanical equipment, individual construction techniques as well as the development of technical understanding and creative thinking. The courses are offered in the form of either annual courses & stand-alone seminars or sometimes in the form of drop-in workshops
Διάλεξε με ποιον τρόπο θέλεις να γίνεις μέλος της ομάδας του Ασκαρδαμυκτί αναλόγως του πόσο χρόνο έχεις να διαθέσεις στη σχολή και τη διάθεσή σου να εκπαιδευτείς ή να εξασκηθείς
Annual Courses
Annual courses. The program includes 35 active weeks. Classes take place in weekly meetings and start either in October (winter term)
either in February (spring term)
and are completed either in June/July or in January
Short Courses
& Mini Workshops
Annual courses. The program includes 35 active weeks. Classes take place in weekly meetings and start either in October (winter term)
either in February (spring term)
and are completed either in June/July or in January
Drop In Classes
Annual courses. The program includes 35 active weeks. Classes take place in weekly meetings and start either in October (winter term)
either in February (spring term)
and are completed either in June/July or in January
Private Lessons
Annual courses. The program includes 35 active weeks. Classes take place in weekly meetings and start either in October (winter term)
either in February (spring term)
and are completed either in June/July or in January
Open Studios
Annual courses. The program includes 35 active weeks. Classes take place in weekly meetings and start either in October (winter term)
either in February (spring term)
and are completed either in June/July or in January
In Askardamykti, in addition to technical courses, you will also find seminars that will help you start your new business or modernize your way of working and increase your efficiency